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Thursday, November 1, 2012

World Politics In A New Era 5th Edition PDF Ebook Download

Thoroughly updated in its edition, World Politics In A New Era 5th Edition by Steven Spiegel and frined’s  is a comprehensive and thought-provoking text for introductory courses on world politics. Reflecting the changes that have occurred worldwide since the collapse of the Berlin Wallincluding recent upheavals in the financial spherethe book integrates coverage of the competing threads of globalization and fragmentation, examining how they tangle and weave through studies of global politics, economics, and culture.

World Politics In A New Era 5th Edition, provides a uniquely in-depth treatment of the field by introducing key contemporary issues with theory supporting these issues with historical context and giving students the analytical tools to apply the theories to current issues. It introduces the major theories used to explain international relationsrealism, liberalism, constructivism, and a few select alternatives in Chapter 2, providing students with a primer on the topic.

Discussions of these theories are then incorporated into the narrative throughout the text, creating a useful framework for analysis. Extensive historical coverage in four chapters (3-6) reviews key events in world politics from the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 to the present, offering students the best context to fully comprehend the modern political stage. World Politics In A New Era 5th Edition Chapters 7-14 cover key topics in contemporary world politics: security, trade and investment, development, human and resource issues, global governance, and ethics.

World Politics In A New Era 5th Edition PDF Ebook Download
Steven Spiegel (Author), Elizabeth Matthews (Author), Jennifer Taw (Author), Kristen Williams (Author)  | Paperback: 704 pages | Publisher: Oxford University Press

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