The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis by Jeremy Rifkin is a serious book. It's well
researched, well thought out and articulates the author's thoughts clearly in
easy to read fashion. The question Jared Diamond asked, " What did the
people on Easter Island think as they cut down the last tree?" resonates
throughout this book, but we're not discussing an isolated island, but the
future of at least the developed world and maybe mankind. Unlike many pundits
and politicians, Mr Rifkin first delves deeply and broadly into underlying
assumptions, historical context, and cultural issues, which while seeming maybe
extraneous are the very essence from which we must fashion the future.
organizations and civilizations fail mainly because they continue to operate on
assumptions which a no longer valid...things have changed. The
Empathic Civilization
case is strong that we are at one of those massive inflection points in history
where old assumptions are no longer holding true. With the pending sunset of
the " second industrial revolution", Mr Rifkin then posits the
framework for a "Third Industrial Revolution" which is as remarkably
different from today's centralized carbon powered society, as is the IPhone,
Amazon, internet world from the mom and pop grocery stores and wire based
telephones of our parents.
The Empathic Civilization is a compelling vision and is one which
potentially puts mankind on a positive course for the future, taking "the
world is flat" to it's logical conclusion with a highly distributed, more
equitable form of capitalism, as opposed to the punitive, fine based approach
we have so recently seen in evidence in Copenhagen.
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Empathic Civilization PDF epub Download
(Author) | Paperback: 688 pages |
Publisher: Tarcher