forces lead to democracy's creation? Why does it sometimes consolidate only to
collapse at other times? Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy by Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson, two of the foremost authorities
on this subject in the world, this volume develops a framework for analyzing
the creation and consolidation of democracy. It revolutionizes scholarship on
the factors underlying government and popular movements toward democracy or
Acemoglu and James Robinson argue that different social groups prefer different
political institutions because of the way they allocate political power and
resources. Their Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy book, the subject of a four-day
seminar at Harvard's Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences, was also
the basis for the Walras-Bowley lecture at the joint meetings of the European Economic
Association and Econometric Society in 2003 and is the winner of the John Bates
Clark Medal.
Acemoglu is Charles P. Kindleberger Professor of Applied Economics at The
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received the 2005 John Bates Clark
Medal awarded by the American Economic Association as the best economist
working in the United States under age 40. He is the author Economic
Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy of the forthcoming text Introduction to Modern Economic
Growth. James A. Robinson is Professor of Government at Harvard University.
He is a
Harvard Faculty Associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
and a member of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research's Program on
Institutions, Organizations, and Growth. He is coeditor with Jared Diamond of
the forthcoming book Natural Experiments in History.
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Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy Download PDF ebook
(Author), James A. Robinson (Author) |
Paperback: 432 pages | Publisher: Cambridge University Press