The Economics Of Public Issues 17th Edition by Roger
LeRoy Miller and Friend’s book basically consists of about thirty
4-8 page articles on various real-world topics, ranging from the obvious (rent
controls, minimum wage) to the exotic (prostitution, global warming). In each
case, the authors explain how you can apply economic principles to these issue
at hand--and often come to a conclusion that would have surprised you before
you read the article, but now seems as obvious as the color of the sky. A lot
of the articles are U.S.-centric, but the authors draw on examples from other
countries where appropriate.
Our teacher has been assigning a reading every week or so, but I often found myself continuing three or four articles past the assigned one because the topics were so interesting. If your teacher assigned this text, count yourself lucky; if you're looking for some independent reading, take a close look at this The Economics Of Public Issues 17th Edition book.
Our teacher has been assigning a reading every week or so, but I often found myself continuing three or four articles past the assigned one because the topics were so interesting. If your teacher assigned this text, count yourself lucky; if you're looking for some independent reading, take a close look at this The Economics Of Public Issues 17th Edition book.
I loved
this The Economics Of Public Issues 17th Edition book. It makes you really think about
issues that we are faced with everyday. I would hate to make some of these
decisions, but as elected officials they have to be made. Was glad that it had
short stories, not long and boring chapters.
The Economics Of Public Issues 17th Edition PDF Ebook Download
Roger LeRoy Miller (Author), Daniel K. Benjamin (Author), Douglass C. North (Author) | Paperback: 264 pages | Publisher: Prentice Hall