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About Information Politics,
Culture, and Class in the French Revolution by Lynn Avery Hunt summary/review book
from Amazon:
When this book was
published in 1984, it reframed the debate on the French Revolution, shifting
the discussion from the Revolution's role in wider, extrinsic processes (such
as modernization, capitalist development, and the rise of twentieth-century
totalitarian regimes) to its central political significance: the discovery of
the potential of political action to consciously transform society by molding
character, culture, and social relations. In a new preface to this
twentieth-anniversary edition, Hunt reconsiders her work in the light of the
past twenty years' scholarship.
If you want to
understand how the French Revolution changed the common people of France this
is a great way to start. The book is a bit dated but still stands up very well
and Hunt's credentials are excellent. This book also talks about some of the
symbols of the revolution and makes for an interesting analysis on the side.
The politics goes through quite a bit of the revolution but it is fairly
scattered (like most Hunt books are). If you are reading about the French
Revolution this is a great addition to your reading list.
About the Author:
Lynn Hunt is the
Eugen Weber Professor of Modern European History at the University of
California, Los Angeles. She is the author of The Family Romance of the French
Revolution (California, 1992) and the editor (with Victoria E. Bonnell) of
Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture
(California, 1999). She was President of the American Historical Association in
Product Details: Politics,
Culture, and Class in the French Revolution: With a New Preface, 20th
Anniversary Edition (Studies on the History of Society and Culture, No. 1)
- Paperback:
272 pages
- Publisher:
University of California Press; 20th Anniversary edition (May 28, 2004)
- Language:
- ISBN-10:
- ISBN-13:
- Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.8 x 8.3 inches
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