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About Information Political
Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal 8th Edition by Terence Ball summary book
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Political Ideologies
and the Democratic Ideal is a comprehensive look at the 21st century’s major
political ideologies, their origins, and their development.
Using an analytical
framework that promotes systematic comparison of political ideologies, this text
helps students understand ideologies like a political scientist and learn that
ideas have real consequences. Used on its own or with a companion reader like
Ideals and Ideologies, Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal focuses
students on critical rather than dogmatic thinking and on becoming open-minded
thinkers better able to defend their political beliefs.
The new edition of
this bestselling text continues to provide an accessible overview of the 21st
century’s major political ideologies, their origins, and their development. In
addition to examining the major “isms” — liberalism, conservatism, socialism,
and fascism — the book explores the history, structure, supporting arguments,
and internal complexities of these and recently emerging ideologies.
The text outlines a
framework defining each ideology in terms of the four functions ideologies
performs — explanation, evaluation, orientation, and political program —
allowing students to compare, contrast, and analyze the various ideologies. In
addition, the book also shows how each ideology interprets “democracy” (which
the authors characterize as an ideal rather than an ideology) and “freedom.” In
examining the latter notion, the authors analyze each ideology’s view of
freedom in terms of agent, obstacle, and goal.
Product Details: Political
Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal (8th Edition) [Paperback]
Terence Ball (Author),
Richard Dagger (Author)
- Paperback:
352 pages
- Publisher:
Pearson; 8 edition (March 1, 2010)
- Language:
- ISBN-10:
- ISBN-13:
- Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.7 x 9.1 inches
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