About Information Campaigns
On The Cutting Edge 2nd Edition by Semiatin notes book from Amazon:
The evolution of the
modern political campaign has taken us from television sets in the living room
to wireless new media in the hands of voters. Reaching voters with targeted
messages, candidates increasingly rely on consumer-driven techniques. What works
at the national level can be tailored to work even more effectively at the
individual level. Future campaigns will continue to make use of recent
innovations like meetups, blogs, and Internet polling. Newer tactics such as
fundraising on the web and get out the vote drives with microtargeting via
Blackberrys and PDAs are changing the way candidates advertise, ask for money,
interact with the media, coordinate with their party organizations, and make
the most of interest group support. What, then, are the implications for the
democratic process and governance? To help students make sense of how and why
campaigns are changing, well-respected scholars and practitioners keep their
focus on the horizon of campaigning and offer a cutting-edge look at what to expect
in the 2008 elections and beyond.
Product Details: Campaigns
on the Cutting Edge, 2nd Edition [Paperback]
Richard J Semiatin
- Paperback:
206 pages
- Publisher:
CQ Press (April 18, 2012)
- Language:
- ISBN-10:
- ISBN-13:
- Product Dimensions: 0.6 x 5.9 x 8.8 inches
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